Thursday 13 November 2014

Ted Talks: 'How Schools Kill Creativity'

As this idea grows so does the concept behind it. I have been doing quite a bit of research into how play helps children to develop into actual well rounded human beings. This lecture from the Ted Talks youtube channel is one of the best things I have ever watched, the talk is by Sir Ken Robinson and the way he puts his argument across is just genius. 
There was many point which I found compelling for this overall case and some that really stood out for me in terms of this brief. He states at one point that "creativity is just as important as literacy". I couldn't agree with this more, as I have grown up I have always been encouraged to let my creativity out and through this I have developed a love for other things as I was allowed to have time to play. 
This point led onto another idea that kids aren't afraid of making mistakes until it's hammered into them in school that making a mistake is a terrible thing. "we are schooling the creativity out of children".  
He went onto make the point that "if you are not prepared to be wrong you'll never come up with anything original". Everything he said was just put so eloquently that I can't believe he hasn't been named the best lecturer in the world. 
He also made a point that Picasso stated that "All children are born artists", in todays society with the school system as it is we do not nurture the creativity in the kids. It is seem as terrible thing to want to be an artists or anything that involves the arts, I remember a teacher telling me that it isn't really 'a viable career choice' when I said I wanted to go into the arts.

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