Friday 14 November 2014

Charlie Harper artist

One of the lovely library ladies saw some of the other books I was taking out and suggested that I took a look inside this one. Well, I think I've found my new favourite thing. 
The shapes, colour, style, composition and basically everything else that matters is just amazing! He is one of those artists that can just adapt to any brief whilst still maintaining his own unique style.  

The main thing that stands out is the way he can create beautiful little designs and illustrations with a minimalistic feel that I predict I will try and re create in my own illustrations. It is this style that I feel Liberty and the Children I would be aiming my product at would love. 

I really love the brush strokes on his painted pieces, as they give just enough for you to understand the image but not to much so it becomes lost. As he has illustrated many books or children, I know for a fact that this style would appeal as it is colourful and bold. 


Another aspect of the book I really love is the way his minimalistic illustrations are presented in a minimalistic way. I think is maybe just for the purposes of the book, but it give it a nice order that is easy to understand. I feel that, reflecting back now on the idea of a heavily illustrated cover, maybe a more organised approach would be better if I want a lot of visual information on my product. Don't get me wrong, there will still be a lot going on but maybe in a more regimented way... 

..Similar to these pieces (which I adore by the way). 

Another really interesting thing to read through is his 'artists story' as it gives a lot of context as to why he draws the way he does ( he blames it on housewives!) and what methods he uses. 

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